Friday, October 25, 2013

handshandshandshands yay!

From my journal October 19

This week I had the opportunity to communicate with two Deaf women from this small small pueblo... who would of known!
Up until this week i've only heard about them or seen them while walking by but never had the opportunity to say a thing. On Thursday while sitting at our 3 o'clock meal at school someone pointed out to me the woman selling pastries + that she is one of the women in town that cannot hear. I watched as people came up to her to buy the food. It was obvious she was not signing a "language" but using what she knew to be able to communicate, her made up signs and other peoples gestures.  It got the job done, both parties were not clearly understood but they each got what they wanted/needed.  The woman looks to be in her 40s + very friendly, which is a pleasant surprise. When she interacted with each customer her face was always a smile. I was still sitting at my table watching it all happen while people around were talking to one another. At this point I had stopped eating + was totally sitting watching her... I noticed no one was buying from her right then. I prayed "Lord you've brought me here, use me how YOU want. Use my hands to communicate Your love." Then I stood up + walked over to her. She gave me the strangest look, pointed to her ear as to tell me she was Deaf + she thought I was trying to speak verbally with her. I was trying to talk with her but not the way she expected. After some time of me trying to talk to her another man standing by who knew her helped us a bit, he knew her "home sign" + could communicate better (which I think is so interesting, she understands better what she has used to for so long but not at all affective). When she realized that I wanted to communicate with her with our hands + not our mouths, she lit up and told me her name sign and finger spelled her name N E L S E Y. I told her my name + name sign. Nesly said a few other things then that was it, until next time!

Friday night after our Bible study some of us kids went to get a bit to eat + the other young woman who is Deaf was there ordering food! While we were leaving and praying for the food I tried to talk with her. Let me tell you it is VERY difficult to communicate " I want to talk with you , get to know you, I know something that you would love to have/know and I would love to teach it to you". Instead all it seems from her perspective is -some chick is trying to talk to me but cant, obviously it will not work I am deaf, what does she want- It was a look of confusion on her face. Luckily, the other woman could communicate (like the other man helping Nelsy) to her in her gestures.  The friend communicated that I sign, I teach kids, + I want to teach her. The young woman who is Deaf, her face transformed to more vulnerable, friendly, smiling and ended up telling us where she lived (not in the same pueblo but close enough). Some time I would love to go to her house to talk to her parents and get to know them all.

I am hoping to know each of the women a whole lot better + teach them a new language, another world that will open opportunities to communicate in bigger cities with other Deaf people of Mexico. I am praying for more opportunities + praying for His Presence with me in every step. He gives all that I need to do this + exactly the right things to say.

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