Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We've got this friend

So we've got this friend and his name is Aapeter. I'm really not sure what he is. He comes around every night around 8/830. He is a runner and a jumper, all night on  the roof and outside my balcony. Aapeter has a friend too, she comes around once in a while and well... they play around outside. I never have seen or heard Aapeter out during the day but he has walked by while we were dining in the night and I got a glimpse of his tail. He sure looks like a racoon, by the tail, but still too small. It seems like a mix of racoon and opossum. Rowdy thing.
I used to sleep with the glass door open but that has changed... he thinks he can just come right on in and decide to stay in my room, no thanks.

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