So much has happened and is happening! I am sorry that I am terrible at this blogging thing. More of the writing on here is what God has been saying to me or been teaching me & not so much about school. I am trying to keep people updated but it is hard, I know it is important so I am trying my best.
Let me just say that forever God is good. His goodness is one of the raddest things ever. He is always good. Everyday I am in love with him deeper and everyday He is teaching me something new.
I don't know if you guys have been at the point of life or in your growing relationship with him that you will do anything and everything for Him. Well I am there and I am so excited.
Lord you have done everything for me to be close to you so that there would be no space between us. You went as far as you could to come to me, you've done everything you could to get to me. I do not want to create any space. Fill in the space Lord.
This past weekend I had the best opportunity to go to San Diego with my mom & sister for 2 days: World Mandate West. All Peoples Church put on the event at Skyline Church. It was much needed & I'd say the time was used wisely. God taught me so stinkin much in that short time. I am taking all that He taught me... taking it and running with it. Ok well here is my prayer for the ranch that came out of me after the conference...
-to look like Jesus here at RSM, real (John 4- Jesus and the woman at the well... break the norm, the comfortable and live boldly. Acts 2- the church... all the people are different and are being used in all different ways. None are the same). My prayer is that we speak out, speak knowing that it is God who is speaking in us and through us. My prayer is that we do not put the Holy Spirit in a box because He does not fit. Yahweh is unexpected and has never looked the same. My prayer is that we are able to serve the people, the community and make relationships with those God has specifically placed around us. My prayer is that we are an influence for His kingdom. My prayer is that we see the need, see the harvest and act.
So yes.
About 5 months left here and it is going to fly... I am praying that God uses me. I am asking him to speak and when he does it is my responsibility obey! He wont force us... it is our choice. I am praying that we want to, are thrilled ,and honored to.
Next year there will be a lot of changes for me, but right now I am trying to focus on here... my job this moment. What does God have for me today? I do not want to miss what he is doing.
These kids! Love them with my whole heart.
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