I’ve finally made a legit connection with the woman Nelsy
(she is one of the Deaf woman here in town), her mother and the boyfriend/husband
of Nelsy. Meeting the mother and boyfriend has been my
desire because meeting them means getting permission to spend time with Nelsy. I
want to get to know all of them and share with them this love of language. I
want them to know that Nesly is smart and should have the opportunity to learn
like everyone else. I want Nelsy to know that there is a way for her to
communicate and not have to be frustrated all the time. I want to love this
I had the opportunity to go up to the house of Nelsy’s mom
last week and talk with her, there I asked her for permission to spend time with
Nelsy to talk and teach her Mexican Sign. She told me what I already knew…
Nelsy has to work, she works everyday selling foods, she has no time, her husband
would not like it, etc. Yes I know most of that is true BUT I knew that this
woman was also fearful. Nelsy is the
only way of income for them… walking from their house to the base, all around
town, to the beach, and even to Rio to sell the food they prepare. If she isn’t
working they won’t make money. Then there is the man that Nelsy lives with. At
one time he went with her to learn some signs taught in Puerto Escondido but
said that he would never go back, he did not like it and did not want Nelsy
going either. Well Nelsy’s mom ended saying that she would talk with Nelsy and
the husband. He thanked me for coming and for being interested. I headed to the
next town over Rio to meet Genna and on our way back home our taxi driver
stopped to pick up more people. When I opened the door to move into the front
seat I saw Nelsy! Nelsy and a man hopped into the back seat with Genna. I soon
realized the man was her husband. NOT a coincidence. Genna and I talked to him
a little bit, mostly he talked and I didn’t understand all of it but by the
time we got out of the taxi he was inviting me over to teach both him and Nelsy
Sunday evenings when they both are home and free. I WAS SHOCKED! I did not
expect that at all… I thought I was going to have to convince him but he
offered. SO God, right there. I was so
excited I even jumped. I didn’t have words but was in awe. While walking home
alone I walked surely with my mouth wide open. Once again I am shown to trust
in His ways.