Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Here it goes again

Again. Hatched

Same thing... again. If you don't know what im talking about click the link. So many! haha well it would not be the came here with out little critters everywhere.

Well this morning I got an early start, 6am! From 6-9am its cool outside and a great time to work. So I got to get a start on cleaning my classroom... TONS AND TONS of spiders! My sandals stomped on like 100 or more spiders. Well after cleaning and sweeping all morning I found out my classroom is moving this year. Two classes are getting torn down and made completely new! So for a few months I will be in one class then when one new class is done and ready I will move in and they will do construction on the other classroom. So yay! New class buildings! Now I just have to be very flexible and be alright with moving around in the middle of the school year. Amber, another teacher is actually staying in another building here on campus... not even in a classroom. I know God sees everything and is preparing me for the year. Again and again He is telling me to Abide in Him!

John 15

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It has begun

Its been about three days now! Olivia and I arrived Monday evening totally exhausted from the way here. My car (Betsy) decided to act up about 45 mins outside of desert hot springs. We had no AC... luckily we did have one electric hand fan, a fan that connects to the car plug, two squirt bottles, and two water bottles. Windows down. The car shut down and on a full tank the gas would not work. I was following my dad, pop, and dads friend to Mexico. I am so glad they were with us because they were able to stop and find out what was wrong. My car needed a new fuel filter. I wad not gotten the other one changed since I got the car 2 years ago. No fuel was getting through to keep the car going. So we stopped at a random place where 3 car mechanics helped us with Betsy. It took about 3 hours and a whole lot of desert heat but finally about 6pm we got on the road again. After that we did not stop, we got to the boarder around 8pm and got to the ranch a little after 9. Right away we had to start cleaning things up like dead bugs and spider webs. We brought all of our things inside the rooms and slept on our mattresses. The next morning my dad, his friend, and pop set up my new bed. It took them about 2 or 3 hours to set it must of been very tricky! I am so thankful for them coming down to help with everything. When things were built, set up, and finished we all prayed and they were off back home to California.

School does not start until Sept. 10th so for this week Olivia and I are getting are own food. Lets just say the taco stand gets a lot of visits! But no worries we are going to the store soon to get snacks, fruits, and veggies.

Yesterday afternoon I finally unpacked everything and we cleaned up the mess in our place, it really does feel like home again.

It wouldn't be home unless we had our furry little friends here also. The ranch dogs have been keeping us company. One dog sat at our door the whole day, just laying there and when we left he would follow.  Our other friend/enemy is a mouse. We have a little mouse roaming around the place, its actually very cute and likes to hide from Olivia and I.

A group of 20-30 jrhs/hs students are here at the ranch doing a missions camp. Last night I heard loud singing so I walked outside and heard it coming from the new auditorium (that has recently been finished). They were all singing, signing and worshiping God! So I sat outside on a wall under the moon and stars and sang with them. It was so loud, it was echoing through the hills. Praising Yahweh and giving Him all His deserved glory!

School is has not yet started but we are trying to plan for class and get ideas flowing for the year. I am so excited for this year! This year will be nothing like the last. God will be moving and doing things in crazy ways and I pray that we are paying attention to Him and all that He is doing. I pray for the new kiddos that come with no language. I pray that their hearts and minds come ready to grow! I pray for returning students that they come with enthusiasm and are motivated to learn more. I'm also praying for all of us that God called here to serve that we remember exactly that. He has called us. It is a joy and a privilege because He's a great God!

So thats what has been going on lately. Tacos, mice, school planning, fellowship, and worship.

I want to thank all of you that have been a big support system with prayer and money. It is needed to be able to continue teaching these kids and to continue loving on these kids. Thank you for your love and support!

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beautiful things

    Meet Me in the early morning splendor. I eagerly await you here. In the stillness of this holy time with Me, I renew your strength and saturate you with Peace. While others turn over for extra sleep or anxiously tune in to the latest news, you commune with the Creator of the universe. I have awakened in your heart strong desire to know Me. This longing originated in Me, though it now burns brightly in you.
    When you seek My Face in response to My Love-call, both of us are blessed. This is a deep mystery, designed more for your enjoyment than for your understanding. I am not a dour God who discourages pleasure. I delight in your enjoyment of everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Think on these things, and My Light in you will shine brighter day by day.

Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 27:4; Philippians 4:8

Olivia (my friend & roommate last year at the ranch) is coming in to the LAX Airport in 45 mins! She is staying with me here in California until Monday when we both with drive down south with my dad. I know were going to have a great time. Its always great with her. :)

The school year is starting and I cannot wait! I have been praying for lasting energy for the year. I want to give my full effort and work with everything in me. Spending time with my Creator will do this. I need to have time meditating on His word and have time in prayer. You God will be my strength!

Well off to pick up Olivia! Adios!